Beautiful and Lovely Essential Oil Perfumes

Back in my teens and young adult years (eons ago) I always enjoyed spraying on some perfume and cologne, but for whatever reason (the chemicals mixing with my hormones, I think), my body chemistry just didn’t jive with it. As soon as I started sweating, the scent would change and I’d end up smelling worse than a skunk. So for that reason, I gave up on wearing perfume and colognes altogether.

But now that I’m older, and have started using essential oils I find that they like me and don’t turn my body sour. So… I had the thought of creating my own perfume using only essential oils.? (That way I could feel 20 again?). The bonus in doing this is that they’re more than just fragrance and good smellies, but are actually fragrance and good smellies that have a tangible mental and physical therapeutic effect.

Here’s two so far which I utterly adore. ?

The unusual name comes from the Bible story where Jesus raised a little girl from the dead. He said to her, “Talitha Cumi” which means in brief, “little girl, arise”. And that’s just the feeling I have when I use this perfume. It energizes me, calms and focuses and brings me back to life. The unusual and beautiful floral scent of Ylang Ylang along with the crisp and refreshing qualities of Basil and Rosemary combine to make something mysterious with an almost oriental quality. If you love “unique” this is the one for you.

Havilah is another reference from the Bible. It was a “land where there is gold” in Genesis. It’s color is a rich, warm golden hue that’s completely captivating. The gold tinge comes from the beautiful Rose Damask essential oil that’s in the perfume. Add to it deep, yet delicate and grounding Sandalwood and joyful May Chang with its citrusy-flowery undertones and you have something just gorgeous. If you love rose this is for you.

Our perfume is in a base of 100% alcohol. So, no iffy chemicals in the mix to negatively mess with your hormones, your nose, or body in any way. It comes in pretty and convenient 9 ml square roll-on bottles. Roll a bit on your temples, behind your ears and on your wrists. The scent will last for several hours.

A perfect, affordable, special gift for any woman in your life!

But be warned… lots of comments on how great your perfume smells will be forthcoming. So, get used to it. Lol.

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