Lies of Fear & Willingness to Suffer
Thanksgiving Day, 6 years ago, my life changed completely. That’s the day my stroke happened. I had to relearn so much. I’ve posted updates every year since then, except for …
Thanksgiving Day, 6 years ago, my life changed completely. That’s the day my stroke happened. I had to relearn so much. I’ve posted updates every year since then, except for …
The GrumpMonster. 👹 I will be honest and say that I’ve struggled with it all of my married life. I’m sure it was there before that, but being married and …
Okay. We’re down to it. Cold and flu season. It’s never a pleasant time of year anyhow, but this year is much much worse. All the residual pandemic stir continues …
She was my friend. She was a wonderful, kind-hearted friend. Not having much herself, but always giving. Rarely feeling good herself, but always interested.She loved BIG.Hard-working. Loyal. Faithful. She died …
I know all about the “new normal”. But I can’t help it…I long for the old normal. You know, where if you’re sick it’s just a cold or a bit …
We know two people who have died from COVID-19. One was elderly, one was in his 40’s. One had co-morbidities (additional health problems), one did not appear to. We also …
When you look around, there’s two sides to everything nowadays. For whatever “truth” you put out there, there’s a “truth” on the other side to combat it. People are facing …
I’ve been asking myself lately where would Jesus stand in all this crazy mess that’s been happening in the World and in the United States these last several, troubling months…. …
As some of you already know, the Bartlesville Farmer’s Market has been postponed this year until June. So, in an effort to help get the word out to locals and …
Folks seem to be polarized on the subject of wearing a mask now that the government is re-opening. Some say yea, some say nay—and not always nicely. I will be …
Hey, y’all’s,I don’t know about you, but when I heard that we had to go through to the end of April (and maybe even longer) with more corona-isolation I just …
I asked the Lord to speak to me his thoughts about this virus. He sent me to Psalm 96. It was so wonderful as I went through it that I …
As the saying goes, what a year this week has been! We started out last week worrying about the time change and how that always messes things up, and we …
I wanted to share a fun form of walking that I’ve been doing for a couple years now. As some of you may know, I have a bum leg left …
I’ve been having tummy troubles for a stretch now, and ever since they started, gas and bloating have been constant companions. There’s been times my belly is so tight that …
There’s something that’s been on my heart for a long while now. It has to do with chemicals and kids. I read a quote not too long ago out of …