Freedom from Fear: Finding Me
I’ve been thinking lately about the fear of death. Jesus became flesh and blood to save me from the fear of death. Heb 2. I’ve been thinking about how that’s …
I’ve been thinking lately about the fear of death. Jesus became flesh and blood to save me from the fear of death. Heb 2. I’ve been thinking about how that’s …
Two years. Hard to believe it’s just shy of two full years since all this stroke business started. Still seems a little surreal at times, to be honest. ..Did this …
One of the effects of my stroke was that my right hand would grab things and not like to let go. It was cause for some humor and some embarrassment …
God gives the toughest battles to the strongest soldiers. People said this to me a lot after my stroke. I know they were trying to cheer me up. And I’m …
When folks ask me questions at the market, I rarely feel like I do the answer justice. Since my stroke, I just don’t think fast enough and often blank out …
The cause of my stroke. I’ve been thinking on this again, and kind of needing to revisit it. (Read previous articles here). Conventional thought is that high blood pressure and …
1 Peter 4:13 the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. …
Insomnia. It’s evil. No lie. 😛 All you wanna do after a stroke is sleep. All you can’t do is sleep. I’m 15 months post stroke and I still struggle …
Just as God allows various gifts to the Body of Christ, so does He allow various kinds of suffering for the sake of the Body. To some, it might be …
Click on the pictures to be taken to the articles. Hi there, my name is Mary, and I suffered a stroke on Thanksgiving Day 2014. Its been 14 months since …
Okay, hi again. 🙂 This will be the last installment of Herbal Helps for Stroke Patients. Today, we’ll be talking about… Spasticity Another thing stroke victims are often having to …
Ok. Back again. Ready for Part 2 of Herbal Helps for Stroke Patients? 🙂 Here we go….. Neuropathy One effect of my stroke was neuropathy all up and down my …
I haven’t met many stroke survivors that are very into herbs, and I respect that. Stroke patients need to interact with those in the medical field, and shouldn’t move from …
I remember back at the beginning after my stroke, I was deathly afraid of falling. I think it had much to do with having fallen in the bathroom the night …
You’re walking along just fine and BAM! down ya go. Into the pit. It’s deep, dark, and damp in there. Musty and foul. Hard to climb your way out of …
Post Stroke: Almost One Year Out Ok. It’s been several months since I posted an update about where I’m at physically and mentally since the stroke for those who might …