Just so y’all know, our goal is to see Christ in all aspects of our every day lives.

That means our approach to herbalism and blog-ism and nutrition-ism and business-ism and etcetera-ism is from that perspective.

We believe nutritious food is given for our health, and herbs are given for use as medicine.

And although we do subscribe to aspects of each line of thought, we don’t consider ourselves to be Vegetarians, Paleo, Vegan, Whole Foods, Gluten Free, Organic, Traditional Foods or any other food/health philosophy.

We eat meat, and we eat grains, we don’t buy organic 100% of the time, and we even have been known to use a(n evil) can of cream soup occasionally, have an un-gluten-free pizza now and then, and even a cheat sweet once in a while. (I know, shocking! :-0)

This is who we are, in our own skin. Every day. With Jesus. And we’re okay with not having to meet others’ expectations or have to concretely associate ourselves with a label.

Certainly, ALL are welcome to our website. But since there are herbal and health practices from many ranges of spiritual thought and nutritional philosophies in various directions we just wanted to be upfront about where we’re at.


Thoughts and Philosophies

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