Happy Fourth of July!

Tomorrow is the 4th of July, and yes, the Bartlesville Farmer’s Market, will be open and Jordan’s Crossing will be there! come get your fresh corn, tomatoes, cukes, and other veggies for your family gathering. And be sure to stop by and pick up a bug spray for your cookout and for fireworks that night. 🙂

This might be a little more solemn than some of my other posts, but I’ve been thinking about “Independence Day” and how many of us in the United States are so proud of being “independent”. At least we think we’re independent, but the reality is that so many of us are in chains of one form or another.

Chained to food, chained to sugar, chained to addictions of so many things from video games to music to alcohol and cigs to prescription meds. Chained to even baser things like bitterness, anger, prejudice and pride, and our own need to be in control. Beyond even that: Chained to the opinions of others, chained to majority-thinking and the status-quo. Is there anyone left who actually thinks for themselves, and out of those who do, are they honestly thinking for themselves, independently, or just following a different crowd and some other man’s (or woman’s) voice?

I mean, really…. how “independent” are we? We might be free from England….. but it’s obvious we’re still in bondage. We might celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July with fireworks and festivities, but we’re walking around with chains the size of America herself. We see it. But don’t SEE it.

Jesus, the Truth, came to set us free. We’ve heard this so so so many times that we’re numb to it. But, even so, we don’t have to be in chains of our own making. Knowing Jesus is the key that unlocks chains. Only in Him is there a true Independence Day. And no amount of fireworks holds a candle to His beauty and power. Think on Him.

I hope you have a safe holiday! Have fun and hope to see you at the Market! 🙂


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