Herbal Helps for Stroke Patients Part 1

I haven’t met many stroke survivors that are very into herbs, and I respect that. Stroke patients need to interact with those in the medical field, and shouldn’t move from that unless they’re comfortable doing so. For myself, I’ve been studying and using herbs and supplements for years, so going an herbal/alternative route is a natural jump for me with my stroke. With that said, I’d like to share some herbs and alternative treatments that have specifically helped me since my stroke.

Of course, before I start, I gotta say if you’re on meds, it’s best to check with your doc before taking herbs or supplements. You can look many of the interactions up online. Mostly, the danger is that the herbs will help and so then your meds dosage will be too much and will need adjusted. Many online sources will be able to tell you if that’s likely. Just search your prescription and the herb you’re thinking of taking, and the internet will tell you what you need to know.

Turmeric and Magnesium

In a general, overall way there’s a couple things that have been good companions over this last year since my stroke.

Turmeric – I’ve been on turmeric for many years now. A chiropractor once recommended it to me for   IMG_1437muscle tension. I tried it and it helped so much. In fact, if I quit taking it for a day or so, I can really feel everything start to tighten back up. Beyond just muscle tension relief, and maybe more importantly for strokies, Turmeric is also documented for its advantages to the brain. It’s been shown to regenerate brain cells and to help the brain heal itself after injury. It’s also a protective herb for the brain, reducing clots, and helping to rewire the neuropathways.

Magnesium is another supplement that’s good for muscle tension as well as brain health. In fact a deficiency in magnesium could make stroke more likely. Many studies have shown how the American public is deficient in magnesium.  In general, it’s a help for getting better sleep, relaxing the nerves, it gives better flexibility and builds stronger muscles, it alkalizes the body (important if your diet isn’t good), it hydrates the body, and assists with enzyme function. All these things, and many more, are IMG_1435very good for stroke patients. Specifically, stroke patients may benefit from magnesium because it can help with chronic fatigue, rapid heartbeat, muscle twitching, irritability, depression, and more.

There’s so many places that already talk about turmeric and magnesium so I won’t elaborate too much, but do check into the links above and throughout these articles if you’re interested in more info.

Join me for Part 2 of Herbal Helps for Stroke Patients in a couple days or so.

Thanks for letting me share,





The purpose of Jordan’s Crossing Herbal Connections is to promote the sharing of information about healthy, natural products and dietary supplements. JCHC’s views and opinions are INFORMATIONAL ONLY and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you are sick, injured or pregnant, please consult a licensed health care professional.

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