
Baby’s arrival!

Facebook Post:
Dec 13, 2014
strange but nice to be home. i’ve not been here for 2 weeks. Jeffs not a very good housekeeper ,but to give him credit he’s an awesome, caring husband a and nursemaid.

They say that traumatic events can sometimes ruin a marriage. Ours just seemed to get stronger. Jeff didn’t flinch. He jumped in and did what was needed. He’d accumulated a lot of sick time at work which they allowed him to use for me, so he was home for the first 3 weeks or so. He was out of his element as far as cooking and cleaning, but he did what was necessary (we ate a lot of eggs. Lol). So much of the responsibility for everything was on him, but he was always positive and joking and cheerful. He was my rock during those first few weeks, and I don’t know how I could’ve gotten through it without him.

Dec 13, 2014
am sooooo very thankful for kids and grandkids willing to help, and for all who have prayed and encouraged these last couple weeks.y’all don’t know how much it has meant..

That first day back everyone came over and helped. The guys cut 2×4’s to drill onto the bottom of 2 of my chairs to raise them higher so that I could get in and out of them easier. The girls mopped and did dishes and fixed supper. The little boys carried firewood for Grandpa. It was a nice day of us all being together.

Dec 15, 2014
Lord, let your gospel of Grace be preached in me through this thing you’ve allowed. Amen.

 I felt so weak. I couldn’t do without God’s grace and strength for every little thing.

Dec 16, 2014
so much we take for granted…. just taking a shower wears me out now or fixing a bowl of cereal……


Death has its own parameters. To be truly dead there’s no movement at all. No chafing. No self-assertion.. Its there God can be awesome.

The first post was written earlier in the day. The second later. In between the two it became apparent that Mollie was going into labor. I didn’t feel ready. But God had indeed answered my prayer and had given me 4 days at home before I had to be there for the birth. She was having the baby at her home with a midwife in attendance, so everything was low-key. I didn’t go over there until about 9 that evening.

I was scared to death!!

I had to make it down the 6 steps of our front deck, get into the car, traverse the sidewalk and steps at their house, go up another couple steps to get to their bedroom. These were big-time physical accomplishments that I had little practice at, and being so weak I was sooo afraid of falling. But I knew God was answering my prayers. I had to go. I had to trust Him. I had to have faith. I had to die to my fear. I’m thankful for our daughter-in-law who came over to help Jeff get me down the steps. And I’m thankful for my friend, Kelly, whom I texted and who talked me through that time. God used her to give me courage (she wasn’t about to let me miss what she knew was God’s working!). So with a prayer we headed out the door. I was trembling and scared, but God did it. He didn’t let me fall. And, by God’s grace, I got to be there to see my 3rd grandson born.

Dec 17, 2014
Johnathan Bruce Payne 12/17/14 6:55 am 7 lbs 20 1/4″


Dec 18, 2014

soo thankful to the Lord for working it out for me
to be there for johnathan’s birth
i didn’t work anything to make it happen
and actually had alot of fear with it
God overcame all the obstacles, including myself,
and made it happen in that oh, so, perfect way
of His.
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”

Go to Part Eleven

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