
My husband is a very funny man. And he was having some fun at my expense. So, I’d get him back by posting his shenanigans on Facebook. Nah.
Dec 19, 2014
Jeff: (looking at the walker) I should put a motor on it and soup it up for you; it would help you.
Me: Yea, it would help me do a face plant onto the floor!
Such are our conversations nowadays…LOL
I’m thankful for a husband who can make me laugh!!
Dec 21, 2014
Me: (making an observation while in the shower): this shower needs cleaned.
Jeff: can I just spray paint it?
Dec 25, 2014
Jeff‘s been having waay too much fun at my expense- not that any of you who know us would believe that. LOL. It’s good to laugh (but don’t tell him that).
Jan 2, 2015
ever since the stroke i can’t hit the broad side of a trash can for nothing. so this morning I was saving up trash to get up and throw away, and Jeff says, “you might as well throw it on the floor now and get it over with..” haha
Jan 7, 2015
“The Parking Lot” in our office as Jeff calls it. Two walkers- the nice one on the left is the “cadillac” (loaned to us by a kind neighbor), and the little on the right is “the VW bug” according to Jeff. He cracks me up. Lol. (see pic above)
Jan 10, 2015
Jeff: Aw man. The dishes need done again.
Me: Welcome to my world before the stroke…all I ever got done was dishes.
Jeff: well, you can have your world back anytime….
Jan 18, 2015
Josiah upon entering the bedroom and seeing the bedside commode for the first time: “Hey! they have a big boy potty chair!” lol too cute.
Jan 20, 2015
My handicap tags came today. Jeff says it’s official now: I’m “old”.
Feb 1, 2015
Jeff’s idea of therapy: “we need to have steak tonight, so we can see if you’re able to cut it w your bad hand.” Uh huh. So glad he’s looking out for ‘my’ benefit. Lol
Feb 2, 2015
Was working on speech this morning and one of the things I had to say and emphasize various parts was about cigarettes. Since I haven’t smoked in years, I changed it to something more appropriate:
**Give** me that chocolate.
Give **me** that chocolate.
Give me **that** chocolate.
Give me that **chocolate**.Jeff and I were having fun with that. LOL
Feb 12, 2015
As we’re going down the stairs and Jeff is in front of me…
Jeff: “just let me know if you’re going to fall and I’ll get out of the way”.
Seriously, he cracks me up! 😛