Natural Deodorant Oils

It’s Summer. So, let’s talk B.O. Yup, body odor. I suppose it’s not a really pleasant subject, but it is one that has to be addressed every now and again. For myself (Mary), I’ve gone through several different phases of dealing with b.o. over the years.


Waaay back in the day, I used antiperspirant. This is the stuff that works the best. Not only does it keep b.o. at bay, it also keeps one’s pits from sweating. However, there’s a LOT of health concerns about the chemicals, and specifically, the aluminum in this type of deodorant. There’s lots of speculation about pro-longed use contributing to Alzheimer’s later in life, and also there’s some possibility of increased chances of breast cancer. The fact that antiperspirants clog the pores so that you don’t sweat can also lead to problems with the lymphatic system.

When I began hearing some of these things, I switched to regular deodorant. Now, plain ol’ deodorant is not as strong in keeping b.o. away as an antiperspirant, and so on especially hot days, you do tend to ‘catch a whiff’ every now and again. But the health risks are less and a little stinkyness now and then might be worth it. All the same, even though regular deodorant is better than antiperspirant, it’s still got lots of chemicals that can effect your body negatively in other ways. So, as the years went by, I’ve been in search of more natural alternatives.

I started with using some of those ‘crystal’ deodorant stones. I felt they actually did a fair job of tackling b.o., but they sure were ouchy after shaving! (Salt in the wound kind of thing :P) Also apparently, you have to be careful of alum (which is an aluminum derivative) in these stones. I went through several kinds of natural deodorants; lots of different textures and smells, some nice and some “ewww, get that off me!”. I tried to make my own baking soda deodorant, which worked fairly well in the b.o. department, until a couple-three weeks into it, I broke out in an itchy rash under my arms that lasted for weeks. (NOT fun!).

deodorant oils
All Natural Deodorant Oils

So, anyways, after much trial and error, here we are now- “B.O. for today”. Lol.

Our formulas are made with a base of Sweet Almond Oil. It’s extremely nutritious and bursting with essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins E and D. Also, we’ve added a bit of witch hazel, which is moisturizing and disinfecting, toning to skin and just a refreshing pick-me-up for your skin and health. After that, essential oils add their own unique properties to our deodorants:

Lavender: very soothing to the skin after you’ve shaved; very calming to the system overall.
Rosemary: a slightly stronger scent as far as helping with b.o.; very focusing and mentally clarifying
Lemongrass: the strongest of the three scents; rejuvenating and balancing to the nerves; detoxing to the system. (Not recommended to use directly after shaving as it can sting pretty good).

I’ve found, over time, that my body seems to adapt to using the same scent every day and I have more trouble with b.o. then, so I’ve learned to rotate between the scents. Using natural body powder under my arms helps too. And also, more than one application a day helps keep b.o. under control. When you ‘catch the tiniest whiff’ it’s time for another dose. Usually, this is needed by mid to late afternoon. Sometimes, I smell a bit of b.o. from myself when I’m out and about, and so I usually carry a bottle of natural lemongrass deodorant in my purse. I’ve never had anyone comment on smelling me, nor even on the hottest days have I noticed that wide-eyed look and twitching of nostrils that says, ‘oy, they need deodorant!’. That doesn’t mean they haven’t…. and to be honest, I don’t really care that much if they do (a little)… but what I’m trying to get at is that I feel a pretty high measure of confidence that I’m not Mrs. Stinky-Pits everywhere I go.

Each bottle is 10 ml (1/3 oz) and with daily morning use I’ve found it to last about 3 weeks or so. Again tho’, we recommend alternating with at least 2 scents which will obviously last longer.

So, there ya go…. all you ever wanted to Not know about body odor. Lol. Thanks for taking the time to stop in. 🙂 See ya at the market next time! <3


Good info



For further research:




The purpose of Jordan’s Crossing Herbal Connections is to promote the sharing of information about healthy, natural products and dietary supplements. JCHC’s views and opinions are INFORMATIONAL ONLY and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you are sick, injured or pregnant, please consult a licensed health care professional.

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