Teatime Bliss Tea, a tea blend that was a happy accident in the making. :) www.jordanscrossing.net

Teatime Bliss, a Happy Accident

Sometimes happy accidents do happen. ? I was working on restocking some of our teas yesterday, since Autumn coolness is making its way here lil by lil. Well, I accidentally …

Trials are God’s Favor

As I was growing up, my mom always said to me “can’t never did anything.” I didn’t really understand what she meant when I was young. But she always said …

Chicken Taco Salad

Need something quick and easy and cool for tonight’s supper? This fits the bill! My husband raved over this meal. ? I changed it up a bit making it even …

“Ticked Off!”

One of the biggest things we’ve heard at the Market this year is, “Got anything for ticks?” They’re pretty horrendous this year around here. I myself have had at least …

Stepping into His School

Been thinking about the disciples lately. The Greek word for disciple means “student”. Jesus was constantly teaching them. Constantly stretching their ideas and concepts of Himself and God. He walked …

Worry Prayers

“If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask …