Herbal Helps for Stroke Patients Part 1
I haven’t met many stroke survivors that are very into herbs, and I respect that. Stroke patients need to interact with those in the medical field, and shouldn’t move from …
I haven’t met many stroke survivors that are very into herbs, and I respect that. Stroke patients need to interact with those in the medical field, and shouldn’t move from …
I remember back at the beginning after my stroke, I was deathly afraid of falling. I think it had much to do with having fallen in the bathroom the night …
You’re walking along just fine and BAM! down ya go. Into the pit. It’s deep, dark, and damp in there. Musty and foul. Hard to climb your way out of …
Post Stroke: Almost One Year Out Ok. It’s been several months since I posted an update about where I’m at physically and mentally since the stroke for those who might …
I know it seems impossible, but Christmas is only a lil over 6 weeks away! Please consider Jordan’s Crossing for your gift-giving this year. Plenty of stuff to choose from …
Thanksgiving day will mark one year since my stroke. Hard to believe it’s been almost a year. Time flies when you’re having fun… And when you’re not. Fall used to …
We are gearing up for the Owasso Harvest Festival this coming Saturday, October 24th! It’s in Rayola Park which is located at 8300 Owasso Expy, Owasso, OK 74055, near the …
I’ve been thinking about Job lately. You know, the guy from the bible whom God allowed Satan to test, and afflict, and put through sore trials. There’s two famous verses …
Sad to say, while I much love the cooler temps and beautiful colors that Autumn provides, it’s also the signal that Cold n’ Flu Season is just around the corner. …
We’re jumpin’ on our soap-box again. Literally. Lol. 🙂 A popular item at the Market is our glycerin soaps. Colorful, pretty, mildly scented. We get ALOT of complements on our …
Okay… I’m not just sayin’ this to sell something.. but I LOVE our lip balm! I truly mean that. If I weren’t already buying it from Jordan’s Crossing, I’d be …
There’s part of me that needs to write this. Part of me that needs to do it for myself. Part of me that needs to do it for the loved …
Ahhh! September. The month of the cool down. Soooo looking forward to Fall’s cooler temps. 🙂 In preparation for that time, we’ve got a couple new things for sale at …
One of the things we often get asked about at the Market is if we have anything natural for headaches and/or migraines. Seems chronic head pain is a common problem …
One of the things i’ve struggled with so much since my stroke is a gnawing insomnia. To be soooo dead tired, but then to lay there and lay there, knowing …
I’ve been going to a massage therapist lately for my right stroke leg and foot which have been cramping up. He’s been talking to me about trigger points. Trigger points …