My Stroke Story
Hi everyone, I graduated from physical therapy last Monday, and it’s been pretty quiet around here since then. However, we have been gearing up for the opening of the Bartlesville …
Hi everyone, I graduated from physical therapy last Monday, and it’s been pretty quiet around here since then. However, we have been gearing up for the opening of the Bartlesville …
Howdy y’all! Just stopping by to let you know I’ve spent the last several days cleaning up my personal Pinterest account so that it can be used for Jordan’s Crossing. …
I’ve been thinking about the name “Jordan’s Crossing”. It’s actually the (unofficial) name of our property here in Oklahoma. The name came about when we first moved here 3+ years …
Here’s hoping you all have a wonderful day filled with much love from all directions! 🙂
Hi y’all! Basically, to be honest, at this point I’m simply writing to keep the blog going until such time that I can give it more attention. All of my …
Sorry. Forgive me. I don’t mean to commandeer this blog and make it all about me. It’s just that my stroke’s the biggest thing happening in my life right now… …
Hi there, I don’t have anything real pressing to share. So, just touching base mainly. Things here have been both quiet and busy at the same time. Quiet because my … This is the link to one of our favorite dishes. SO simple! Quick for a weeknight meal. Make sure to measure the ingredients exactly or it will be soupy. …
Certain things have been bugging me since all this stroke business began. This morning over the internet, I accessed my hospital files. Right from the beginning my chart was worded …
Hope the year to come far exceeds this past year in blessings, joy, and love! Be safe!
With everything that’s happened to us here since Thanksgiving Day, it hardly seems like Christmas this year. But I’m soooo thankful to even be here at all. The stroke has …
Its been a while since I posted last. On Thanksgiving Day I had a mild stroke. It effected my right leg, right arm and my speech. It’s very difficult to …
Handmade glycerine soaps, lotion bars, sprays, herbal salves, herbal cold and flu preventatives and remedies, baby care items, essential oil blends, and much more! These make GREAT GIFTS! We’re located …
I’m now into my 4th-5th week of learning to eat gluten-free. It’s going pretty well. My symptoms are improving little by little, and I’m feeling better and better. You can …
There was a time where I woulda looked down on retailers promoting their wares so far in advance of Christmas. But here I am, about to do the same thing. …
Hi all, I thought I might share with you a little of the current events happening in my life lately. A little over a month ago now, I had this …