Some Thoughts on Natural vs Conventional

Sorry. Forgive me. I don’t mean to commandeer this blog and make it all about me. It’s just that my stroke’s the biggest thing happening in my life right now… and well, it’s sorta always been somewhat of a personal blog. I guess since Jordan’s Crossing is part of me, I reckon my life just comes out as part of it.

Been thinking lately about the differences between natural/alternative thinking and conventional medical thinking.

It’s not that I am or ever have been against doctors. Most of the doctors and nurses and aides at the hospital were some pretty awesome people; selfless, funny, encouraging, giving. My doctor even gave me a hug as I was getting ready to leave rehab. Who could be against kindness like that? No, how I feel about a natural mindset for healing has nothing to do with anything personal against the people in the medical establishment.

But, after two weeks in the hospital there were some glaring differences between natural thinking and conventional treatment that couldn’t be missed. At one point I realized that for being all about health they really didn’t know about healing. Meaning, the answer to everything was to fix the symptom. There wasn’t really any trying to understand why my body was doing what it was doing, and addressing it from that point of view. If it was an inconvenience (for me or them)… then it needed a drug.

..And there’s literally a drug for anything and everything.

For instance, if I was constipated, they could give me a drug. If I had diahrrea, they could give me a drug. If I was urinating too often, there was a drug I could take. (All this in the space of 48 hours!) If I wasn’t sleeping… didn’t I want something? Didn’t they see and understand that my body had just undergone a major shock and was over-reacting in various ways? I was out of my normal routine. Not drinking and eating the same. Not getting the same amount of water I was used to. Not in my own comfy bed. Getting woke up by nurses in the middle of the night. Lots of things were ‘off’.

So anyway, I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining. I’m grateful for every single person I met in the hospital. I guess what I’m trying to get at is how the natural mindset differs from conventional thinking.

The natural mindset looks at the whole person, not just the physical, but also the mind, emotions, and the spiritual aspects. It takes and keeps all of this in consideration when looking at a person’s health.

Historically, ever since we discovered germs, we have separated the mind from the body and everything has been about controlling and manipulating the germs from a physical perspective only. The natural mindset looks at the overall situation, and looks for the root of the problem. It focuses on promoting health and not just treating disease.

A natural mindset doesn’t automatically assume someone else is in charge of their health.

Herbs and supplements work with the body, instead of forcing the body as drugs do.

A natural mindset looks at prevention as being preferable with lifestyle changes and self care as primary treatment options.

A natural mindset is not a quick fix. It requires hard work, dedication, and time.

Those are just a few thoughts that come to mind. So what would I say is modern medicine good for? Well, as in my case with the stroke… I’d say it’s highly effective for treating life-threatening situations. Also, physical impairments like broken bones, etc., as well as things that do require a quick fix or a jump start or a swift kick. Drugs can give you the “oomph” you need to overcome a situation in the short term.

But for the long term… truthfully, I’m not willing yet to concede that modern medicine’s ideal is the way to go. The goal for me is to continue to make lifestyle changes, and to find natural means which will one day allow me to be off all medication. That’s the goal anyway. For now, I’ll be good and do what needs done. 🙂

love to all,

For your further research:


The purpose of Jordan’s Crossing Herbal Connections is to promote the sharing of information about healthy, natural products and dietary supplements. JCHC’s views and opinions are INFORMATIONAL ONLY and are not intended to constitute medical advice. If you are sick, injured or pregnant, please consult a licensed health care professional.

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