THM Resources + Links

I wanted to share the resources I found helpful when first starting Trim Healthy Mama. Here’s a bit of my THM story first though:

A few weeks before my stroke, I went gluten free and sugar free completely. The weight started falling off. Literally. I went from about 265ish down to 220ish in just that short time. Then came the stroke. And finding out I was a diabetic T2 and had high blood pressure as well.

For a couple years, I maintained that weight. But I wanted to own my health and get off meds. So I began really praying about it and asking the Lord to show me how. That’s when I “happened onto” Trim Healthy Mama. I talk more about it in Lifestyle Shift: Trim Healthy Mama if you care to read more.

I dropped another 45 pounds over the next year. My blood sugar numbers improved enough that the doc let me off diabetic meds altogether. My blood pressure improved. My stroke symptoms improved. Everything physically, mentally, and spiritually just got better. THM literally changed everything. And such was not a fluke. It’s helped hundreds of other women just the same.

Anyway, beyond the THM Plan Book (I bought this one, though there’s also a separated plan book/cookbook version), there were certain resources that helped me much on the journey and I wanted to create a page that I could point newbies to with the links that were a great help as I was starting out.

Helpful Podcasts

I’d definitely recommend the Trim Healthy Mama Poddies. At the beginning, they helped me to grasp concepts and to understand the premise of the plan more fully. These 3 were especially helpful, but search through their episode titles to find more great stuff.

Episode 2: How it All Began

Episode 3 & Episode 4: Let’s Talk About “Fear”

Helpful Websites

Briana Thomas’ Starting THM gives a terrific overview of the entire plan. It was helpful to break down what I’d been reading in the book into smaller chunks. She has tons of tips links and sample menus. She’s famous for her THM ice cream, but I like her recipes alot cuz she cooks “normal”. She takes every day recipes (stuff like we usually eat) and THM-ify’s it. And that’s really a good way to go with this plan. Take the stuff you usually eat and just re-arrange it to keep your carbs and fats separate which is what brings weight loss and health.

Gwen’s Nest and her Trim Healthy Mama Quick Start Guide was invaluable too. Again, it makes it all much more concise. Bare-bones, basically. Which makes it easier to grasp. She has other stuff too, like a review of the book, recipes, study guide, menu plans, and much more.

Then there’s The Well Planned Kitchen with tons of free meal plans. She’s a certified THM Coach. Tons of recipes including freezer meal cooking. Tons. (Did I say that already?) She also has links to menu sheets to help you plan out meals. Then there’s also Darcie’s Dish who also has TONS of meal plans. Theses two sites helped me much with seeing how it all should be put together. I followed these in the beginning because doing is seeing. The head knowledge in the book is absolutely necessary, but to SEE how it’s all put together in a meal and should look is so so so helpful. I still made mistakes, but these two sites really really helped me to build proper meals.

Members Site and FB Groups

The THM Members Site costs to join, of course, but there’s lots of freebies there. Also a FAQ guide and links to subscribing to their ezine and poddies and YouTube Channel. I haven’t ever joined, but it is a good deal since you get 10% off any purchases from their store. I do order from them occasionally as the products they offer (like Whey Protein Powder, Collagen, Nutritional Yeast, etc.) are very pure, without fillers, and I trust them.

Then there’s the Facebook groups. These were invaluable to see other’s an their victories and struggles and to have a resource to ask questions and such.

Main Facebook THM site

THM Beginner’s Facebook Site

THM Diabetic Site

There’s tons more FB groups! One for just about anything you can think of. One for slow losers, one for those who don’t want to use any special ingredients, one for pregnant mama’s, one for frugal mama’s… just tons.

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